COLUMBUS DUPLEX Illuminated Globe Model 402641
Base: plastic (soft-touch)
Meridian: fibreglass (steel colour)
Sphere: Plexiglas® Havy Duty
The Duplex map
The political map (switched off) shows the countries in different colours and the main rail-, air- and sea- ways.
The physical map (switched on) shows the mountains, the valleys, the plains, the sea-depths and streams in different colours. The terrestrial relief is rendered by a play of shadows.
Base: plastic (soft-touch)
Meridian: fibreglass (steel colour)
Sphere: Plexiglas® Havy Duty
The Duplex map
The political map (switched off) shows the countries in different colours and the main rail-, air- and sea- ways.
The physical map (switched on) shows the mountains, the valleys, the plains, the sea-depths and streams in different colours. The terrestrial relief is rendered by a play of shadows.
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Höhe: | 32 cm |
Durchmesser: | 26 cm |