XXL Natural Hazards 2: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis

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Bestellformular Download

Was ist eine Echtholzbestäbung?    Was ist ein Springroller?

Höhe:146 cm
Breite:180 cm

Verfügbare Versionen:

XXL Natural Hazards 2: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis - With poster rods (black lacquered solid wood), laminated (tear-resistant, markable and washable) laminated, with rods
(Artikel-Nr.: 100014202)

USD 159,00
XXL Natural Hazards 2: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis - Springrollo version laminated on metal rail (backboard) laminated, on spring roller with metal backboard
(Artikel-Nr.: 100014203)

USD 199,00